Mohd Mansor Ismail is a Professor at the Department of Agribusiness and Information Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and he has been active in teaching, research, advisory services, and administrative duties since 1986. He has been teaching Project Planning and Management at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in addition to Agricultural Finance and Agribusiness Finance. Currently he is the Head, Laboratory of Agricultural Production, Marketing and Trade Policy at the institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies (IKDPM), UPM.
He is actively involved in conducting researches on production and trade of food industry in line with his academic background in competitiveness of food processing industry. Some of the food commodities included paddy, palm oil, tobacco, marine fish, aquaculture species, pineapple, poultry and beekeeping. He involved in the development of beekeeping industry in Malaysia since 1987. He has held a position as an economist in the Malaysian Beekeeping Research and Development Team. The team has been awarded with numerous research grants from local and international donors such as IDRC, IRPA, MOE, MOSTI and YDSM.
Currently, he is a project leader in various research grants ranging from LRGS sub project, ERGS, RUGS and UPM GRANTS that covers the food industry especially paddy, aquaculture and beekeeping. In consultancy services, he was involved in projects funded by FAMA, MOA, MIMOS, Bank Rakyat, EPU and recently UPENJ. The projects covered beekeeping, fruits and vegetables, paddy, oil palm flowering sensor applications, agro based cooperatives, agriculture modelling and food processing industry.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Kuswanto, MS., is a lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya, both in S1, S2 and S3. He pursue the field of Plant Breeding in accordance with laboratory where bernanung, the Plant Breeding Laboratory in the Department of Agriculture Cultivation. At the undergraduate program he teaches Basic Courses of Plant Breeding, Experimental Design, Applied Statistics and Seed Production. In the master program teach Population Genetics and Quantitative Genetics and on the Doctoral Program teach Plant Breeding for Resilience to Biotic Factors.
Dr. Marcel Djama
Sustainability of Palm Oil in Malaysia, Montpellier University France.
Cirad, Environments and Societies Department
Mixed Research Unit "Markets, organizations, institutions and strategies of actors" (UMR Moisa)
Discipline and activities